Career Center


Sponsor's Title: VP of Finance
Degree Information: UCB, BA/BS in Business Administration, 2004
UCLA, MBA in Business Administration, 2012
Organization: Scanalytics
Organization Website:
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Externship Date: Flexible in January
Length of Externship: 5 day(s)
Open or Closed: Filled
Externship Career Field(s): Business; Engineering & Computer Science

Externship Details:

Organization Description:
Scanalytics is a startup based in Milwaukee. We are creating intelligent floor sensors that are installed in retail shops and convention centers, and that track foot traffic anonymously of those who walk or stand over them. We have a big contract with the largest convention center in Chicago to install our product on their entire convention floor and are working diligently to implement that contract.

Sponsor's Responsibilities:
As VP of Finance at a startup, I oversee every finance, legal, and admin function of the entire company. As with all startups, all people here wear multiple hats, and we all can make an impact on any part of the business that we want to.

Extern's Proposed Duties:
The externs will have their pick of the litter on what they want to see and observe. We are a small company and are very open to accommodating anyone's interests. As long as you are able to come to Milwaukee, we can find someone for you to observe and learn from. Our primary day-to-day teams are in engineering, finance, HR, marketing, and analytics. But depending on your interest and what's going on at the time, I am very open to finding you something that you would find helpful.

This externship last updated 1/3/2020

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