Career Center


Sponsor's Title: President
Degree Information: Taiwan University, BA/BS in Environmental Engineering Science, 1981
UCB, Masters in Civil & Environmental Engineering, 1984
UCB, PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering, 1988
Organization: WRECO
Organization Website:
Location: Walnut Creek, CA
Externship Date: 1/13-1/14 or 1/14-1/15
Length of Externship: 2 day(s)
Open or Closed: Filled
Externship Career Field(s): Architecture, Planning & Environmental Design; Engineering & Computer Science

Externship Details:

Organization Description:
WRECO is an engineering consulting firm specializing in the areas of hydrology and hydraulics, storm water management, water resources, environmental compliance, and geotechnical engineering. WRECO resolves engineering and environmental problems in local communities, watersheds, streams, wetlands, estuaries, and coastal areas with feasible and cost-effective solutions. As a proudly certified California Green Business, we strongly believe in preserving the environment in all aspects of our work. Our goals are to improve infrastructure, enhance the environment, and minimize our project footprint in affected communities.

Sponsor's Responsibilities:
As the President of WRECO, the sponsor oversees many hydraulic projects and is responsible for drainage system design, erosion control, and storm water management for major transportation projects, as well as performing hydraulic studies for bridges and major culvert crossings throughout Northern California for clients such as Caltrans and local cities and counties.

Extern's Proposed Duties:
The externship will consist of observing day-to-day activities of an engineering firm that specializes in civil, water resources, environmental compliance, and geotechnical engineering. The extern will observe the firm set-up design and/or planning projects, as well as technical writing for reports and drawings of deliverables. The extern will also participate in project meetings, have one-on-one time with staff in various disciplines, and sit-in on current project discussions. If time permits, the extern may also be given a short presentation of past projects the firm was involved in and/or a local site visit to a successfully completed design project.

This externship last updated 1/3/2020

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